Apply for Membership
To join the Rogue Valley OMTA, go to the OMTA website
There are several different categories of membership available. See the OMTA website for more information on state and district dues and membership categories.
Why Become an OMTA Member?
Increased Earning Potential
Membership in OMTA provides you with the opportunity to become a nationally certified teacher of music. This notable distinction is awarded to applicants who meet rigorous standards in music theory, history, pedagogy, and performance. Certification helps the public identify the most competent music teachers in their community, enhancing your potential for student recruitment and increasing your earning power.
Networking And Support
OMTA is divided into 14 chapters throughout Oregon, each of which holds regular monthly meetings. These meetings provide you with a network of local music teachers with whom you can share successes, trade ideas, and refer students. Members also share their expertise with each other through lectures and workshops on a variety of topics, such as technique, group piano, chamber music, or any other requested topic.
Staying Current
Your membership includes a subscription to American Music Teacher. Published six times a year, this major music journal is packed with information and advice about the latest news, trends, and issues facing music teachers today. You will also receive The Oregon Musician and Music News. Published bi-annually, The Oregon Musician magazine contains practical teaching advice from OMTA's most knowledgeable members. Music News, the monthly newsletter, keeps you informed about upcoming state and national events, awards, contests, and news from OMTA chapters all over the state.
Learning from the Best
OMTA and MTNA each present conferences every year featuring nationally and internationally renowned artists and pedagogues in workshops, lecture demonstrations, and recitals. These conferences enable you to connect with music professionals from all over the nation and learn from the most dynamic and successful individuals in the music business.
Protection of Your Health and Assets
Members are eligible for a variety of reasonably priced insurance and investment services through the Music Teachers National Association. These benefits include supplemental health, dental, and vision insurance; age-related cancer insurance, and term life insurance. Professional insurance coverage includes liability insurance, musical instrument coverage, and more.